
Acupuncture is an alternative treatment method used to balance the body’s energy flow and alleviate the symptoms of certain diseases. Acupuncture Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is believed that “qi” meridians pass through the body, and inserting needles into these areas balances the energy. The treatment, which uses very fine steel needles, allows the body to release natural chemicals to fight diseases and symptoms
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a treatment method based on the principle of inserting fine needles into strategic points on the body. Although the exact effects of these needles on the skin are not fully understood, it has been observed that acupuncture increases the release of substances that are effective against pain. It is also suggested that these released substances, which include serotonin and endorphins, contribute to a positive state of mind.
How is Acupuncture Treatment Administered?
Acupuncture treatment is initially planned according to the patient’s overall health condition. During this process, some tests may be conducted along with an examination. Additionally, the medications the patient is using or certain treatments they are undergoing may prevent the application of acupuncture. Therefore, it is crucial to provide detailed information about one’s medical history to the specialists.
When planning the treatment process, the symptoms to be alleviated are taken into consideration, and the specialist determines which points the needles should be applied to. The number and duration of sessions vary depending on the issues being addressed.
During the treatment, special needles made of sterile steel, silver, or gold are used. The needles are applied to specific points and are left in the body for about half an hour. The process typically involves the use of 5 to 25 special needles, and no pain is felt during the procedure. The treatment may continue for 6 to 10 sessions.
Depending on the technique used and the area of application, the patient may need to sit or lie down. Since no chemicals are introduced into the body, the risk of complications is extremely low. However, because some patients may experience side effects, it is essential that the procedure is performed by specialized doctors.
Who Can Undergo Acupuncture?
Extensive research has determined the conditions under which acupuncture can be applied. According to the World Health Organization, acupuncture can be used for 40 different diseases. The most commonly treated conditions and ailments are listed below:
Pain Treatments | Gallstones | Digestive Disorders |
Rhinitis | Alopecia | Childbirth |
Depression | Cervicobrachial Pain | Multiple Sclerosis (MS) |
Stomach Ulcer | Menstrual Pain | Low Back, Headache, Dizziness, and Neck Pain |
Tinnitus, Meniere’s Disease | Warts | Hot Flashes During Menopause |
Memory Problems in the Elderly | Shoulder Pain | Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Pain |
Diarrhea | Migraine | Toothache |
Asthma | Onychomycosis | Frigidity |
Autoimmune Diseases | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Trigeminal Neuralgia |
Constipation | Heel Spur | Smoking Cessation |
Lower Extremity Arteritis | Hypertension | Infertility |
Osteoarthritis | Obesity | Psycho-emotional Trauma |
Ulcerative-Hemorrhagic Colitis | Chronic Respiratory Diseases | Allergies |
Adult Acne | Epicondylitis | Facial Paralysis and Stroke |
Sciatica | Addictions (Alcohol) | Enuresis |
Neuroalgodystrophies: Leriche and Sudeck’s Syndrome | Intestinal Syndromes | Women’s Health Issues |
Additionally, acupuncture can also be applied for weight loss, cancer-related shortness of breath, depression, and certain phobias.
There are two main types of acupuncture: body acupuncture and auricular (ear) acupuncture. Moreover, different techniques such as electroacupuncture, conventional acupuncture, laser acupuncture, acupressure, and moxibustion may also be used. The choice of technique is determined primarily based on the specialists’ examinations and tests. During this process, the severity of the patient’s symptoms, medical history, and genetic factors are also taken into consideration.

Who Should Not Undergo Acupuncture?
Acupuncture can be applied to anyone between the ages of 3 and 90, but in some cases, the risk of complications is higher. For instance, it is not recommended for people taking blood thinners, as they may experience bruising symptoms. Additionally, there is a potential risk of premature birth in pregnant women, so acupuncture is not performed on pregnant or breastfeeding women.
People with pacemakers are also not suitable candidates for acupuncture. Specialists do not perform acupuncture on patients undergoing chemotherapy; however, it is possible for those who have completed their treatment to undergo acupuncture to alleviate certain symptoms.
What is an Acupuncture Needle?
Acupuncture treatment involves the use of needles that vary in length from 0.5 to 8 cm and in thickness from 0.16 to 0.5 mm. These single-use needles are sterilized using the autoclave technique, commonly employed in surgical sterilization. The needles can be made of steel, silver, or gold.
Acupuncture Points
There are a total of 365 different acupuncture points on the human body, located along energy channels known as meridians. Applications are commonly made to the face, feet, hands, and ears. The most frequently used acupuncture points include:
- Kidney Channel: Located on the inner side of the ankle, this point is used for conditions such as asthma, sore throat, and insomnia.
- Pregnancy Vessel: Found below the navel, this area is used to balance the energy of organs and is also believed to alleviate fatigue.
- Governing Vessel: Located at the top of the head, this point is known for relieving symptoms such as dizziness, mental disorders, and ear pain.
- Stomach Channel: Located on the front part of the leg, this channel is used for digestive disorders, immune system issues, and fatigue, and contributes to both emotional and physical recovery.
- Spleen Channel: Situated on the inner side of the leg above the ankle, this point is used for menstrual irregularities, digestive disorders, and hormonal issues.
- Liver Channel: Located between the toes, this acupuncture point is primarily used to treat headaches, balance emotional energy, and regulate menstruation.
- Large Intestine Channel: Situated on the back of the hand between the thumb and index finger, this area is believed to activate the immune system and is particularly beneficial for facial pain.
In addition to these points, there are other regions used in acupuncture treatment. The area of application is determined based on the patient’s complaints and the specialists’ recommendations.
Facial Acupuncture Points
There are various acupuncture points on the face, each used to alleviate the symptoms of different conditions. Some of these points include:
- Between the Eyebrows: Known as the Angina point, this area is used for conditions such as stress, headaches, constipation, anemia, and eye strain.
- Forehead: This area is commonly used to treat headaches and is also preferred for migraines.
Facial acupuncture is also believed to be effective in treating conditions such as facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, panic attacks, and facial spasms.
Foot Acupuncture Points
Foot acupuncture points are determined based on reflexology principles. Foot acupuncture can be applied to alleviate symptoms in various areas such as the brain, sinuses, shoulders, kidneys, and coccyx vertebrae.
Hand Acupuncture Points
There are numerous acupuncture points on both the palms and fingers. Hand acupuncture is used for conditions affecting areas such as the lower back, lymph nodes, chest, lungs, bladder, and small intestine.

Ear Acupuncture Points
There are a total of 43 different acupuncture points on the ear where treatment can be applied. This method is commonly used for the following conditions:
- Fibromyalgia syndrome
- Toothaches
- Constipation
- Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
- Post-surgical pain
- Tennis elbow
- Joint, shoulder, knee, and foot pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Facial paralysis
- Stress
- Insomnia
Additionally, ear acupuncture is believed to alleviate symptoms of conditions such as depression, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), pruritus (itching), tension-type headaches, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Which Diseases Does Acupuncture Treat?
Acupuncture is a method used for both treating certain diseases and alleviating specific symptoms. Endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO), it is commonly applied in the treatment of the following conditions:
Pain Management
Studies on acupuncture suggest that it is effective in relieving pain caused by knee osteoarthritis. It is also reported to reduce tension-type headaches by 50%. Symptoms in the back, neck, and knees can also be alleviated with this treatment.
The acupuncture points used for pain management vary greatly. Some conditions may require points on the feet, while others may involve only ear acupuncture. When determining the points, practitioners consider not just the location of the pain but also the patient’s overall health issues.
Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow, caused by irritation of the tendons due to repetitive movements, weakens the arm muscles and leads to severe pain. It can also cause small tears in the muscles, leading to inflammation. Acupuncture is an effective treatment for both the condition itself and the associated pain.
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Acupuncture can also be used to treat conditions such as constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and gallbladder pain. Points located on the stomach channel are known to benefit the immune and digestive systems.
Psychological Disorders
Acupuncture is also a preferred treatment method for conditions such as anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and chronic stress, caused by various factors. It is known to improve sleep and mood, which are often affected by psychological disorders.
Can Acupuncture Help with Weight Loss?
Acupuncture is a method that helps with weight loss by balancing the body’s energy flow. It is believed to have effects such as speeding up metabolism, reducing appetite, suppressing the hunger center in the brain, and reducing stress.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, weight gain is caused by dysfunctions in the liver, spleen, kidneys, and hormones. Treating the imbalance in these areas is believed to help prevent excessive weight gain. Through the effectiveness of ear acupuncture points, the treatment aims to balance the energy and functions of organs, potentially leading to long-term results. Some of the benefits that can be achieved with needles that remain in the ear for about 10 days include:
- Elimination of toxins
- Feeling calmer and more energetic
- Reaching satiety faster
- Increased metabolism and fat burning rate
- Eliminating overeating habits
- Decreased feelings of hunger
It is also claimed that acupuncture improves digestion, reduces stomach acid, and balances hormones. Therefore, acupuncture administered by specialists can be said to aid in the weight loss process. However, to ensure healthy progress and more controlled weight loss, it is essential to follow a diet.

Benefits of Acupuncture
The primary goal of acupuncture treatment is to balance the body’s energy flow. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that certain meridians, which pass through specific areas of the body, have a significant impact on energy. Needles applied to these areas allow for the healing of some diseases and provide a mental boost.
The benefits of acupuncture vary depending on the purpose of the treatment. Generally, it is used to treat problems such as joint pain, migraines, psychological disorders, and digestive system diseases. It is also believed to be effective for women’s health and childbirth, chronic respiratory diseases, rheumatic disorders, smoking cessation, and heel spurs.
What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Cosmetic acupuncture is a special technique used to achieve rejuvenation in the face and neck areas. It is believed to have positive effects on muscle tension without causing loss of facial expressions, making it one of the most sought-after treatments recently. Other benefits include:
- Reduction of deep wrinkles
- Increased skin elasticity
- Reduction of blemishes
- Elimination of sagging
- Evening out skin tone
- Achieving a bright and smooth appearance
Additionally, cosmetic acupuncture is believed to be beneficial for issues such as fatigue, depression, and sinusitis.
How Does Acupuncture Help Quit Smoking?
Acupuncture is an effective method for alleviating symptoms that arise during the process of quitting smoking. However, it is essential for the patient to be determined to quit smoking before starting the treatment. It is also recommended to avoid consuming tobacco products within 10-12 hours before the procedure. While it typically takes 2 sessions to complete, the number of sessions may vary depending on the level of addiction.
Before the treatment, specialists identify the acupuncture points and decide on the number of sessions required. During the session, needles are left in place for an average of 20-30 minutes, and special stimulation techniques, such as moving the needles, are applied. If the patient has a fear of needles, a laser method can be used as an alternative.
After the treatment, the patient should limit the consumption of tea and coffee for a week. It is also important to avoid alcohol and increase fluid intake. Acupuncture not only alleviates the symptoms of addiction but also has a positive effect on mood during this process. As a result, symptoms such as excessive stress and anger are significantly reduced, and complications that may increase the urge to smoke are largely mitigated.
Antalya Acupuncture Center – MD. Mezihat Beyoğlu’s Clinic
The Antalya acupuncture clinic provides professional treatments for various diseases with a holistic and modern approach. Under the leadership of MD. Mezihat Beyoğlu, the clinic offers expertise in acupuncture as well as neural therapy, manual therapy, and ozone therapy. For comprehensive information about acupuncture treatments approved by the Ministry of Health and to start your treatment process, you can always contact MD. Mezihat Beyoğlu’s clinic.
Specialist Doctor Mezihat Beyoğlu’s Acupuncture Certifications
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are the Acupuncture Points for Getting Pregnant?
It is suggested that applying acupuncture to the SP6 point can help with conception. Studies on infertility in women indicate that acupuncture is effective in establishing hormonal balance, increasing blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, regulating the immune system, and alleviating mental issues like stress.
What Is Acupuncture and What Does It Do?
Acupuncture is an alternative treatment method that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body, and it is believed to be beneficial for many ailments. This method is commonly used in treating headaches, back, neck, and tooth pain, osteoarthritis, and tennis elbow. It is also thought to assist with weight loss and smoking cessation.
What Do People Who Have Had Acupuncture Say?
The reviews from those who have undergone acupuncture are generally positive, but it is important to consult with qualified professionals for successful treatment. When choosing a clinic, it is also crucial to consider the feedback and experiences of previous patients.
How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month with Acupuncture?
It is claimed that you can lose approximately 10% of your body weight in 1-2 months with treatment. However, since acupuncture does not directly cause weight loss, it is important to support the process with diet and exercise. The goal of the treatment is to curb excessive eating, speed up metabolism, reduce feelings of hunger, and help eliminate toxins from the body. Because of these benefits, acupuncture is known as an aid in weight loss.
How Long Do Acupuncture Needles Stay In?
The duration that needles remain in place depends on the purpose of the treatment and the area of application. For example, in the weight loss process, needles inserted into the ear typically stay for about 10 days. However, in some treatments, needles are left in the body for about half an hour and removed the same day.
Where Is Acupuncture Applied?
Acupuncture can be applied to areas such as the face, hands, ears, and feet. Each of the points in these areas is used to treat different diseases and conditions. For instance, facial acupuncture may be performed for skin tightening, while ear acupuncture points are preferred in the weight loss process.
How Many Acupuncture Points Are There in the Body?
There are over 350 acupuncture points in the body. These points are located in various areas, including the hands, ankles, soles of the feet, knees, and face. The specific points used in treatment are determined based on the patient’s complaints and medical history.