

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is the condition of sending conditionings directly to the subconscious, where the consciousness goes into a trance state. The state of hypnosis is when we are between sleep and wakefulness, but in fact our mind is most open and awake.


1. To eliminate fears and phobias
1. To get rid of negative habits and addictions
2. To increase vitality
3. To get rid of emotional problems, to protect from depression
4. To get rid of chronic pain
5. In the treatment of psychosomatic disorders
6. Providing peace of mind and solving other behavioral problems
7. In sexual problems (such as impotence, premature ejaculation, late ejaculation, vaginismus, menstrual cramps)
8. Marriage and family problems
9. In the treatment of allergies and similar ailments
10. In weight loss and weight maintenance programs
11. To perceive life more positively and make it more enjoyable
12. To set goals in life and make it more meaningful
13. In order to increase the level of wealth and welfare
14. To develop and reinforce self-confidence
15. Accelerating learning, increases motivation