Ozone Therapy

You take in nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide and small amounts of other gases – but you survive because you breathe a steady supply of oxygen. This basic gas is made up of oxygen atoms (O2) and it is so important that it makes up more than 20% of the air around you.
Ozone is oxygen with another atom, so it is called O3. It occurs naturally in the Earth’s atmosphere and serves to protect us from UV radiation. Its structure means it is dynamically unstable, but is found near the Earth’s surface in concentrations compatible with life.
We rely on O2 for breathing, but research shows that O3 can also have health benefits.
Ozone therapy involves applying medicinal O3 directly to a person’s tissues or bloodstream.
Ozone has a long history of therapeutic use. It has been used to disinfect drinking water since it was discovered in the mid-nineteenth century. The first ozone generator (which can produce medical-grade ozone) was created in 1896 by Nikola Tesla, one of the fathers of electricity. This patented Tesla Ozone Company machine would pass ozone through oils to make a therapeutic gel.
Medical ozone was used to heal infected wounds during the First World War, and a doctor even took advantage of its effects to combat the recent Ebola epidemic.
Today, ozone machines can be used to deliver treatments in several ways:
Direct application. Ozone gas can be applied directly to a wound using a protective coating.
into your muscles. Ozone can also be mixed with a blood sample (and sterile water) and injected directly into a muscle.
Ozone has many biological properties that are not found in oxygen. These features are:
Destroys bacteria, viruses and fungi.
It activates the immune system extremely effectively.
It provides energy and vitality by increasing cell metabolism.
It increases the production of anti-cancer substances from white blood cells.
It reduces the density of blood, increases blood circulation, triggers the formation of new vessels.
It reduces lipids and sugar in the blood.
By increasing the flexibility and oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells, it allows them to easily pass through even the thinnest veins and reach the cells.
It neutralizes free radicals, which are responsible for aging and the malfunctioning of many functions in the body, by increasing the body’s antioxidant capacity.
Therefore, ozone therapy is very effective in the prevention and treatment of many diseases by solving the problem of insufficient oxygenation, free radicals and weak defense system, which are the root of many diseases.
What are the benefits of Ozone Therapy?
Numerous medical studies have been published confirming the safety of ozone and its beneficial effects when applied correctly. To summarize briefly, when ozone is applied to the body, it has the following positive effects:
Ozone has an Anti-Aging effect
Ozone Increases Oxygenation of Your Cells
Ozone Strengthens Your Immune System, releases cytokines, stem cells, increases activation of white blood cells.
Ozone Increases Energy and ATP Production in Your Cells
Ozone Increases the Activity of the Anti-Oxidant Enzyme System
Ozone is Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Viral and Anti-fungal.
Ozone stimulates and accelerates the healing process, especially for chronic conditions.