
Manual Therapy

What is Manual Therapy?

It is a physical therapy used to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability; mostly includes kneading and manipulation of muscles, joint mobilization and joint manipulation.

Waist and neck hernias
muscle spasms
Joint problems such as shoulder, knee, elbow, hip, ankle, wrist are treated.

Manual Therapy is a treatment applied by physicians and it is of great importance to distinguish the patient correctly and choose the appropriate method. First, whether a patient is suitable for manual therapy is tested, then the appropriate method is selected and applied.

It is used for various purposes such as increasing range of motion, relaxing muscles, improving joint mobility, reducing soft tissue swelling, helping tissues begin to heal.

We can think of manual therapy as a big umbrella with many specific applied techniques. Some of the manual therapy techniques are listed below.

Soft tissue techniques

Manual lymph drainage
Soft tissue mobilization
functional mobilization
scar mobilization
myofascial relaxation
Craniosacral therapy
Active Release Technique (ART)
muscle energy techniques

What type of injuries or problems is manual therapy useful for?

Neck Pain: disc pathology, muscle spasm, rib hypomobility, post-operative neck pain
Low Back Pain: disc pathology, facet joint impingement/hypomobility, spinal stenosis, postoperative back pain
Headaches: tension headaches, migraine
Hip Pain: Hip impingement, myofascial hip pain in the hip or flank hip, hip bursitis, post-operative hip replacements
Knee Pain: patellofemoral dysfunction, IT band tendonitis, knees after surgery including total knee replacements
Ankle Pain: ankle sprains, chronic ankle pain, ankle arthritis, ankle pain after surgery
Shoulder Pain: impingement syndrome, scapular dyskinesia, frozen shoulder/adhesive capsulitis, postoperative shoulder fibromyalgia